Thanks for another good round in the ongoing pugilistic fray. You’ve got all the necessary grit and toughness of a club fighter, and as a retiree I’m proud to be rooting for you. The demographic stats and contextualization are well-played and appropriate. But Shrier, high on her own supply of selective outrage, is dressing up old right-wing knee jerks in the latest styles. There’s still work to do. Hang in there.

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How does the race of the students purportedly engaging in antisemitism matter to the story? I genuinely don’t understand your point in bringing up demographics unless you’re trying to imply that it’s a sign that these claims are fabricated because only white progressives (and/or Muslims) are anti-Israel or antisemitic.

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Oh, I think the claims sound pretty bullshit, but its the kids I doubt on that score.

I think it would be extremely noteworthy if a) antisemitic behavior claimed was across the board in all demographics OR b) just the Hispanics or just the Asians or just the whites were the accused. So noteworthy that failure to bring it up strikes me as odd.

Now, when I say odd, I don't mean Shrier is withholding anything. It means she wasn't thinking about race at all, and if you are dealing with high diversity schools, you should always be thinking about race.

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Spanish speakers have opinions about Jews similar or harder than Her Most Catholic Majesty. Who'd thunk it?

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Maybe. Like I said, say so if that's the case.

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